Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Intuition? Gut feeling? No clue?

Seems like everyone we talk to has a strong opinion on whether BabyP will be a BOY or a GIRL. Chris and I go back and forth on what we think "it" is.....but there are no certain feelings either way.

So, here's your chance to let us know what YOU think. =)

Choose Team Pink or Team Blue in the poll we've created on the right side of this blog. You can only vote once, so no attempting to sway results. *winks*

The poll will be open until next Wednesday evening when we will [hopefully] be revealing the gender.

Can't wait to see what you all think!

1 comment:

  1. My vote is that your little bean is going to be a shebean and I definitely think you should consider naming her VashieTHra...ahh what a beautiful name:)
