Tuesday, May 5, 2009


We've officially hit half-time, folks!

20 weeks down...around 20 more to go!

According to "them" ...BabyP should weigh about 10.5 ounces now and is about 6.5 inches long from head to bottom, and 10 inches long from head to heel. (Guess now we'll be measuring from head to heel now that BabyP is not curled up so much). Anyone wanna guess what fruit or veggie BabyP is most like this week?? If you guessed the length of a banana, you are correct!

After tomorrow....we'll be able to throw these estimates to the wayside, and share have some real numbers from the doctor. OH yeah....we might share the gender with you, too. *winks*

DON'T FORGET! If you haven't already, take our poll and let us know whether you think BabyP is a boy or girl. Look like the majority of votes are for boy.....we'll see soon!!!

Here's the latest pic.

Baby Bump - 20wks 1day

Lastly.......but definitely not least.......we were given a baby niece this weekend! My sister and her husband, Jenny and Joey, welcomed their baby girl into the world. Brooklyn Rose was born on May 2nd at 5:16am weighing 8lbs 5oz and 19in. Mom, Dad, and baby girl are doing wonderful. I know BabyP and Brooklyn will make great friends very soon. :)

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