Thursday, May 28, 2009

23 Weeks Bump!

So, I took a week hiatus after visiting family up in the Bay Area. But, our baby girl has been busy growing and I've got the bump to prove it. This week she's around 11 inches long, and should weigh a little over a pound....about the size of a large mango. Her sense of movement is becoming more developed and she can now feel me dance. (Bring on the music, honey!) Now BabyP's ears are sharper than ever and preparing her for the noisey world. Loud noises that she hears now...such as a barking Charlie dog...might seem familiar and may not faze her once we bring her home. (We can only hope!)

Some random thoughts about pregnancy:

1) Last week I was actually able to "see" my belly move for the first time. Feeling our her move is always unbelievable.

2) Although feeling her move is always a blessing, it was interesting earlier this week when she chose to nap all day, but then kick away when I went to sleep that night. Boy is she getting strong!

3) Speaking of sleep, Chris bought me a new pillow made by Boppy to help me be more comfortable. So far it's a slight improvement...but I really miss sleeping on my back!

4) Thanks to all the mama's who've lent me their pregnancy clothes! You underestimate the value of variety and fit in your wardrobe until your pregnant and limited to 2 pants and 5 tops. LOL. (My dress below is compliments of Dani...thanks, girl!)

5) Ice Cream. I'm trying to continue my healthy eating habits and not using my pregnancy to eat everything in sight. I will not, however, give up my ice cream. It is a good source of calcium. At least it's of the slow churned variety... which IS lower in fat. :)

6) My stomach is starting to feel fuller faster. And I'm definitely starting to feel the extra weight. I'm pretty sure my belly rests on my lap when I sit! haha.

7) My baby is eating my brain. I'm forgetful, clumsy, and even saying my words funny. (It's a great excuse for my normal 'flaws'....but I'm pretty darn sure it's getting worse by the month). Please forgive any typos! haha

8) Linea Nigra...Latin for "black line" the dark vertical line that appears on your abdomen from your belly button down. It is a type of hyperpigmentation thought to be caused by the estra estrogen.'s definitely starting appearing on my belly. Check out the before and after:

Belly Bump - 11 wks 3days

Belly Bump - 23 wks [Why the heck does my tummy look tan?! It has not seen the sun since March and only for 20minutes.]

Belly Bump - 23 wks
Belly Bump - 23 wks

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lickety Split...

This update is going to be a quick one. Lots of things to do before traveling to visit our new niece!

Baby girl is growing and growing.....and is making her presence known by the size of my belly. She is about the length of a carrot, and as of last week she was 13ounces....and I'm sure she's grown a bit since then. (See picture below) LoL.

I've been really trying to stay active with long walks in the early morning, and Charlie-the-pup doesn't seem to mind. Aside from the teen-like pimples on my face, I'm feeling good lately. I have most of my energy back (although bedtime is still early) and my hunger pangs have subsided (somewhat).

This little girl of ours sure is active. She was moving all around for our ultrasound, and yesterday she was practicing her kicks and punches. (But I didn't mind that one bit.) She goes through quite days and then tries to kick my butt on I'll take any movement I can get. :) They are love taps, I'm sure.

OK, not a "short" blog...but I do type fast. *winks*

Baby Bump - 21 Weeks

Baby Bump - 21 Weeks

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sugar, Spice...and Everything Nice!

...............that's what our little GIRL is made of! :)

Probably a surprise to a lot of you...since 59% of voters thought we'd be having a boy. :) Needless to say, Chris and I are on cloud nine. Not only do we know that we have a daughter in our future...but so far, everything has checked out okay. (You know, two feet, two hands, healthy heart, full spine....the vital things).

I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking. Say hi to our beautiful BabyGirl!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


We've officially hit half-time, folks!

20 weeks down...around 20 more to go!

According to "them" ...BabyP should weigh about 10.5 ounces now and is about 6.5 inches long from head to bottom, and 10 inches long from head to heel. (Guess now we'll be measuring from head to heel now that BabyP is not curled up so much). Anyone wanna guess what fruit or veggie BabyP is most like this week?? If you guessed the length of a banana, you are correct!

After tomorrow....we'll be able to throw these estimates to the wayside, and share have some real numbers from the doctor. OH yeah....we might share the gender with you, too. *winks*

DON'T FORGET! If you haven't already, take our poll and let us know whether you think BabyP is a boy or girl. Look like the majority of votes are for boy.....we'll see soon!!!

Here's the latest pic.

Baby Bump - 20wks 1day

Lastly.......but definitely not least.......we were given a baby niece this weekend! My sister and her husband, Jenny and Joey, welcomed their baby girl into the world. Brooklyn Rose was born on May 2nd at 5:16am weighing 8lbs 5oz and 19in. Mom, Dad, and baby girl are doing wonderful. I know BabyP and Brooklyn will make great friends very soon. :)