Thursday, September 24, 2009

Get Outta My Belly, Baby...40 Weeks

Here we are...past the due date and no Audrey yet! I'm sure she just needed some extra time to get extra cute and ready. Typical lil lady...fashionably late.

Although we haven't had any contractions yet and not much dilation (still around 1-2cm), if we are lucky...she'll be coming on her own this weekend. If not, then ready or not...she'll be coming sometime next week. ;)

Belly isn't growing so much as it is dropping now. (And I'm getting up in the middle of the night 4-5times as proof!) I'm still feeling okay otherwise...hips and legs get tired and crampy, but that's to be expected. And it didn't stop me from "nesting" and cleaning like a mad woman yesterday.

We are ready to meet you, baby girl! Hopefully my next blog post will be an intro with lots of pics.

Belly Bump - 40 Weeks

Thursday, September 17, 2009

39 Weeks...Come'on Baby!

Baby Audrey is still warm n cozy in my womb, and it doesn't seem like she'll be making an appearance in the immediate future. As of today, I am still 1cm dilated and 70% effaced - same as last week.

I've been on maternity leave since the second week of September and I'm really trying to relax as much as possible, as everyone suggests. It's just so hard when there are so many things I could be doing/organizing/crafting. But the nursery is ready for when she does arrive, the house is clean, and our freezer is super stocked with Costo and Trader Joe' I can't be too hard on myself for the extra breaks I need to take. (And believe me - my back and hips definitely need the extra breaks!)

Daddy-to-be celebrated his 29th bday on Tuesday, which he will not be sharing with his daughter. :) Chris happened to be scheduled off work, so we had a really nice day together...starting with buying the newly released Dan Brown book, visiting a museum in Balboa Park, and ending the night with a delicious meal at Peohes in Coronado right on the water. (Seriously...I'm still thinking about that meal days later...yum.) Although we are more than ready for Audrey, we were really able to appreciate the simple pleasure of a leisurely and relaxing day (one of the last we'll have in for awhile). *winks*

Belly Bump - 38 Weeks

Belly Bump - 39 Weeks

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Full Term: One Ripe Lil' Baby!

The countdown is really on now!
37 weeks down. 21 days to go!

I'm not sure which is harder to believe: the fact that Chris and I will be parents in the very near future? Or the fact that I have kept up this blog throughout my entire pregnancy? haha (I think we can all agree it's the latter!)

Audrey Marie is somewhere around 6 1/3 pounds and 19 inches long head to heel (like a stalk of swiss chard?). She hopefully has a full head of hair and nice round cheeks to boot.

How are us parents-to-be hanging in there? Pretty darn well, I think. We are really trying to take advantage of the time we have together before baby makes three. And we're also making sure we are prepared for Audrey's arrival. Her room is just about done. Clothes, linens, and blankets are washed and put away. Her going home outfits are packed (yes, outfits, a girl has gotta have options). And my bag is just about packed, too. (Only Daddy's left).

Who am I fooling? I'm not nearly as together as this sounds, haha. If you know me, my "to-do" list is a foot long...and I want everything as ready as possible come D-Day. (Problem is my body can't keep up with my energy level). But, if I'm lucky, I'll have some time to check things off my list...cuz my last day of work is FRIDAY!!! Good-bye 8 hrs in a chair, hello maternity leave!!!
As much as I can't wait to meet my baby girl, I'd like to have a week or two to get things done ...and then rest my aching, ever-growing body. Cuz... once she comes... my world will willingly revolve around her.

Baby Bump - 37 Weeks

Hubba, Hubba

This past weekend I was at Target in the PJ/Lingere area, when a father approaches with his 3 year old son in a cart. The dad stops, points to something (out of sight to me) says to his son, "Look, what's that?" Not missing a beat, the son replies, "Hubba, hubba."

How could I not start laughing? The dad proudly looks my way...and it's obvious they performed this trick for my amusement. They slowly stroll by me and I say to them, "It's boys like that I'll have to protect my daughter from." :)

The dad tells me the story: he only said that to his son one time (sure)...and he started repeating it anytime they see anything remotely sexy - pjs, underwear & bras, pictures or mannequins wearing these things. Apparently he forgot to tell his wife, who called him up one day asking why on earth her son was pointing to underwear saying, Hubba Hubba. haha.

Mid-conversation, the son looks over at me...9th months pregnant...points and says, "Hubba, hubba."

Uh huh, that's right. I still got it! :)

Who knew a 3 year old could make my day?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Head Down, Bottoms Up!

28 days left.
We are down to DAYS!!!

Actually...we have a few running "Due Dates".

Wednesday, September 23rd. The first date our doctor told us in the 8week ultrasound (which is what we've been sticking to).

Tuesday, September 22nd.
The date written in my medical chart based on that first ultrasound. (I could have heard wrong, but hubs heard the same thing.)

Friday, September 25th.
The due date, based on my BIG 20 week ultrasound. (Although, the first ultrasound is usually more accurate since baby's will grow at their own pace, but all start the same size. So earlier on the variance in size is slim.)

In reality our official due date is probably 9/22/09. But since I started this blog based on 9/23/09... pics are on Wednesdays and that little Baby Ticker on the right is based on that date too.....that's what we're sticking with. For now.


Audrey Marie is gaining about an ounce a day, weighs almost 6lbs (like a crenshaw melon), and is about 18.5 inches. She's starting to lose some of that baby fuzz, as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy stuff that protected her skin for the past 36 weeks.

Next time you're at the the grocery store, pick up a 6 pound melon. And take a moment of silence for my aching hips and back. haha. For those of you who don't know what the heck a crenshaw melon looks like (myself included):

And, as of now....our good little girl is HEAD DOWN! :) There's always time for her to flip, but hopefully she'll stay right where she needs to be.

Baby Bump - 36 Weeks

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Countdown: 5 Weeks to Go!

35 weeks have flown by! In 5 weeks...possibly less...but no more than 7...we'll have a daugher. What an amazing thought.

Audrey is already about 18 inches long and is around 5 1/4 pounds...think honeydew. She doesn't have much room to do somersaults anymore, but you can bet she's finding room to kick and wiggle around.

Have I dropped? Is she head down? Heck if I know. haha. I have a feeling if she's not head down yet, then she's getting there, because her hiccups are at the lower part of my belly now...and about 99% of her kicks are at the top right. I've been getting some major leg spasms once or day or so...and my hips are starting to feel the that could be a sign that she's getting ready to drop or has already started? Your guess is as good as mine. If I remember correctly (which is highly unlikely these days)...but I think the doc will check at my appointment next week. I'll keep ya posted.

This weekend we'll be putting things together (swing, bouncer, carseat) and packing our hospital bags. And, if my body can keep up....hopefully I'll get some of Audrey's laundry washed and ready.

nto the bump:

[Sorry the picture is so BIG. My editor is acting up. When I make it smaller, it gets too pixalated]

Baby Bump - 35 Weeks

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy Hump-Bump Day - 34 Weeks!

I still cannot believe how fast this pregnancy has progressed. Only 6 weeks left. Seriously!? It seems so close.....I can see the end of the pregnancy and the beginning of our life with our daughter. But I've realized that even though the weeks lessen, and D-Day gets closer... the days start to seem longer. I'm sure it's a combination of the anticipation of meeting our little sweet pea and my body getting more uncomfortable.

Audrey is now about 4 3/4 pounds, similar to the average size of a cantaloupe. (No wonder my hip bone and back are hurting!) And she's almost 18 inches long. But...if she's anything like her mama (who was 19 inches at birth), I'm sure her length growth will start to slow. :) Her central nervous system and lungs are still maturing, so we need her to stay in my belly for at least another 4 weeks minimum. (6 max would be great though!) The good news is that babies born between 34 & 37 weeks generally tend to do pretty well, aside from a brief stay in the NICU. Audrey Marie, listen to your mama....please stay put for a lil while longer!

As the end of my last trimester approaches, I often find myself reflecting on being pregnant. I didn't anticipate feeling this natural growing a body inside my own. All of the kicks & jabs, feeling tired, occasional hormones (and tears), the hunger pangs and bloating, the additional weight and pressure on my body...I never thought I'd be so happy to endure all of these symptoms. And, I certainly didn't think I'd be able to listen to what my body needs...without the guilt. Or at least less guilt. (Ladies, you know what I'm talking know, when you have a long day at work, or just feel mentally or physically exhausted.....but feel guilty for not cleaning/cooking/going to the gym/etc?!) Well, since I've been pregnant...I feel less guilty when I need to listen to my body and take it slow. Because, really, if I'M run down...she's going to feel the effects. It's also helps to have such supportive and helpful husband who picks up the slack. (And also encourages R&R with movie nights and trips to Maggie Moos Ice Creamery...our fav).

Onto the every growing bump!

Baby Bump - 34 Weeks

Monday, August 10, 2009

Crazy Hormone Induced Dreams

Ever since I can remember, I've been a sleep walker and I sleep "see things".

I've never been one who has interesting dreams on a regular basis though. Never the cool dreams about flying or doing something courageous. Sure, they're in color. But aside from that--they are boring and unrealistic. My "home" in my dreams is not my real home; my "friends" are rarely my real friends. In fact-I cannot remember half of my dreams.

But since I was younger, whenever I'm stressed...mentally or physically exhausted... I do strange things. It all started when I was going to take my first trip away from my parents...and continues now into my twenty-eighth year of life. When I was younger, it usually consisted of me getting out of bed and walking out of my room/house/hotel and looking for something or someone. Although these days, I'm not so much of an escape artist as I am a hallucinater. Yep. I see things: spiders hanging down from the ceiling, bugs or mice on the ground, people. My dear, sweet husband knows the crazy look in my eyes now, and can ring me in and get me back to sleep in seconds.

Enter pregnancy hormones.

Scary Dream #1
One of my first pregnancy dreams, I "woke up" in a panic. Sat straight up and searched around for the baby. Charlie had crawled to the top of the bed and was having trouble getting comfortable...and was scratching around in the sheets and blankets. Apparently this was where Audrey was supposed to be sleeping.

"Where is she!?" I screamed.
Chris woke and looked at me, puzzled, "Who?"
"The baby!" Where is she!?" I couldn't fathom why he was remaining so calm.

This is the moment Chris probably realized his wife was in the running for the loony bin...again. What he said or did is slightly a blur, but I remember becoming acutely aware that I was dreaming and baby was safely in my belly. Even though I knew I was dreaming, I couldn't shake the feelings and was so sad. Darn hormones win.

Scary Dream #2
Sometimes (in real life) Audrey shows us just how little room she has in my uterus. She'll drag her knee or elbow across my belly...and you can see it poking out. Or she'll kick really hard and repeatedly, and I'm convinced I can feel her little foot pushing on my belly. It's crazy to be able to make out the body part (or at least think I can tell what it is).

Well, last night my dreams (and hormones) took this idea a little too far. In dreamland, Audrey was pushing my belly...kicking at first...and then nudging with her baby fist. THEN... apparently my skin became very pliable and I could SEE the details of her hand -- my stomach forming around her as she reached for me!! WHAT THE HECK?? I was so scared, but so amazed at the same time as she tried to hold my finger.

But thinking about this dream now...with sunlight & reason at at the forefront of my mind...and I am completely freaked out! **chills**

Hormones, please have mercy!

And....please, please....don't let my daughter be as crazy as me!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

33 Week Bump

Okay, here we are...33 weeks into this pregnancy and 7 weeks remaining. Still cannot believe how fast it's passing by! People ask how I'm feeling these days. Although are quite a few things slowing me down lately, we have so much to be grateful for that I cannot complain. (Well, I can't complain too much).

Audrey is just over 4 pounds...imagine a nice, ripe pineapple. Her length is passing 17 inches now and she's starting to lose that wrinkled, alien look. She's moving more than ever and getting stronger, too. (Is it possible to be internally bruised? Cuz I definitely have sensitive spots in my belly!) Kick me as much as you'd like, baby girl......just keep healthy, and don't try to come meet us too early! But not too late either! :)

Onto the bump...

Baby Bump - 33 Weeks

Monday, August 3, 2009

Ode to Charlie

We brought our "fur-baby" home in December 2006 soon after we got back from our honeymoon. Little tiny Charlie was 8 weeks old, 3lbs, and most definitely the cutest puppy ever. (Modesty??) He's a cocker spaniel and bichon frise mix. They call him a Cock-a-chon; I endearingly call him our furry mutt. :)

Charlie - around 2 months old

Charlie - around 2 months old
Although Chuck's life will be forever changed when Audrey joins our family, we think he'll adjust fine. At that point, he'll be just about 3years old. He's had plenty of practice with kids, including our nephews, niece, and plenty of neighborhood kids, too. Honestly, I don't think Charlie will pay our daughter too much attention...until she is able to roll the ball for him! (One track mind. Seriously.)

Charlie - 2 years old

People are often saying to us, "Poor Charlie will be ignored when you have your baby" or "You'll forget all about him" etc. We have no doubt that having a baby will change all aspects our lives...including the time given to the Chuck-meister. And we know those first few weeks months will kick our butts and Charlie will have to do with a lil less attention. But we also know that this attention-craving, ball obsessed, cheese-lovin fur-ball will always be an important part of our lives......and we won't neglect him. We'll incorporate him into our evolving family. How could you not love this pup??

Here are a couple clips of our "practice baby" for your amusement:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Numbers Never Lie

28: Number of weeks pregnant
8: Weeks til we meet our Audrey Marie

5: Average number of times I eat ice cream per week
12: Approximate min it takes Audrey to move 10 times during our "kick counts"
16: Average visits to the ladies room per day!
28: My age when I lose a belly [riiiight] and gain a daughter
29: Chris' age when he becomes a Daddy (Unless she's born around 38wks!)
???: My weight. Something I've never seen the scale say [ahh!]

Our lil girl is gaining weight every week, and is now approximately 3.75 pounds, similar to a large jicama. She's about 16.7 inches long...which explains the lack of room I'm feeling in my uterus. She'll gain a third to half of her birth weight in these last 7 weeks. Apparently, I'll be gaining about a pound a week, half of which will go directly to her. But...this begs the question: where does that other 1/2 pound go?? Hmm. Let's chalk it up to extra blood in my system. :) (Actually, the doc says I'm doing pretty well in terms of weight gain...right where I should be. So I won't cut back on the ice cream.)

I have a feeling that Audrey is starting to move into "position"...head down, feet up. After eating chocolate ice cream two nights ago (See a pattern here?), she really got moving. :) She started rolling around a lot, and I felt kicks up at the top right of my belly, which was new for us. (I just figured she loves chocolate, too and was thanking me.) The next morning, however, the kicks were very persistent in that same spot on the top. Not to mention, the big head-like bulge at the lower left of my belly. (Kind of on the diagonal.) So, maybe she's gettin' ready to get ready! Or, maybe I'm just new at this and making things up all together. :)

Random side note: Audrey loves the right side of my belly.

Onto the bump!

Baby Bump - 32 Weeks

Friday, July 24, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things...

As I mentioned in my previous post, Chris' sister Jen and her husband Todd came into town, along with their two sons. Our nephews really cannot get much cuter or any more fun. Braden is 5.5 starting kindergarten this Fall and Carter is turning 3 this September.

This trip was the first time we've seen them since being "with child." So, seeing Auntie Kiki* with a huge belly was a change. While Carter didn't pay too much attention to my ever growing bump or Baby Audrey, as they called her.......Braden had a few comical things to say:

While I was plating my dinner their first night....
"Kiki, hurry up and eat so Audrey can catch the food!"

After having my backed turned to my nephew one afternoon....
: "Kiki, you don't look big from the back!"
"Oh yeah? That's good to hear! And what about the front...? Do I look big this way?"
Braden: [grinning ear to ear realizing the indication] ".....yes....."

Wanting to show me the bird guarding her nest filled with eggs....
Braden: "Kiki, come outside! Come see the bird's nest. She's having you!!"

Lastly, this one from Carter.

At the beach in my bikini top and shorts...

: [Looks at my belly and points] "Big belly".

So true, Carter, so true. :)

Adorable Nephews
Carter and Braden

*Auntie Kiki originated from the nickname Keykey, which is what my sister Jenny called me when younger, and then Paige used it, too. (They couldn't pronounce Kristen). And the name stuck! :)

Once you can't stop!

Yes...pregnancy is like Pringles. Once you just can't stop......til "D" Day, Delivery Day, that is. :) And this growin' belly is no exception.

I know - I've been a bad, bad blogger lately. I deserve a time out. But life has been busy, as you could imagine! We've been working hard painting, getting furniture moved in, hanging the valance, and organizing and cleaning for our lil angel.....AND for our house guests. My family and Chris' flew in to celebrate our Shower for Audrey and what a great week it was.

First, let's start this catch-up post with some belly pics:

Baby Bump - 29 Weeks

Baby Bump - 30 Weeks
Baby Bump - 31 Weeks
Did you see the sneak peak of the nursery?? That's all you get for now! There will be more to come as we get organized...and fun decor on the walls.

Our lil Audrey, now 31 weeks, lets me know she's well by moving throughout the entire day now. She's not so much a kicker, as she is roller. (I'm pretty sure she's crawling around in there!) Our baby girl is around 3.3 pounds, similar to that of 4 naval oranges...and she's heading into a growth spurt! By now, her lil arms and legs are starting to 'plump' up, and there's no doubt that she'll have the infamous Prilaman and Kline cheeks. (Check out pics below of Brooklyn and Rylie...I'm pretty sure our daughter will be a combo of those two! And they're thats great with us!)

The Shower

Chris' mom, sister, and good family friend (Karen, Jen, and Marilyn respectively) threw us an amazing shower. Expecting our first child often has Chris and I reflecting on how good life is and how happy we are. We are both grateful for the lives we lead, and try to make sure we appreciate everyday that we are healthy and happy. But......having a house full of woman who are genuine and supportive and excited about our expanding family really brought our appreciation to a whole new level. Being surrounded such a great circle of family and friends really put into perspective how truly blessed we really are.

The shower started off with some mix n mingling followed by a salad buffett lunch. And when I say buffet...I mean...smorgasbord! And it was delicious...and about 98% home made. Potato salad, pasta salad, green salad, orzo salad, fruit salad, veggies and dip, Hawaiian rolls...I think I'm salivating. Let's just say no one left hungry, and many were requesting recipes. (And considering many of us are pregnant or nursing....let's just say we really appreciate some good grub!)

After lunch, we played a few low key games and then dug into the phenomenal cake. Now, as you'll see in the pics below, the cake was not only beautiful...and had matching cupcakes....but it was so moist and scrumptious, too! It was a huge hit. And, it was made by Marilyn's daughter, to boot! (Really! She just started her own cake business...let me know if you need her info!)

Shower Fun!

Once we were all in a good food coma and inside with the air conditioning pumping, Chris joined us as the ladies showered Audrey with some wonderful gifts. (In an unplanned turn of events, Chris' family made him sit with me while I opened. He was a good sport, and I was SO excited...cuz all eyes were on two of us...rather than just me). :) The generosity of our friends and family was endless. We received lots of the necessities that a new baby calls for and a few homemade items that we'll cherish forever. Thank you all so much for your love and support!

Below are some kodak moments from the day. [I included a few highlights, but I'm sure there are some details...and guests...left out.] :(

My Family
Bro-n-law Joey, Sister Jenny, Niece Brooklyn, Mom Kline, Sister Paige, Me, and Daddy-to-be

Great Girlfriends
Carrie, Me, Becca

More Fabulous FriendsCalista, Niki, Me, Kristy, Michelle

Adorable KidsNephew Braden, Niece Brooklyn, Nephew Carter, and Cousin Rylie

AND...the Wonderful (hardworking) Hostesses!
Family Friend Marilyn, Sis-in-Law Jen, and Ma-in-Law Karen

Thank you everyone for such a wonderful shower!
We are so blessed. Thanks for your love and support.

Mommy-to-be and Daddy-to-be

Thursday, July 2, 2009

3rd Trimester...28 weeks down

Now the real countdown begins! 3 months left. 12 weeks. 84 days. Wow!

We are so excited to meet our little Audrey, but are grateful for the time we have left to get ready. The nursery is finally cleared out, and paint is mostly on the walls with some finishing touches needed. [Chris, being the wonderful husband that he is, had paint on the walls to surprise me when I got home. Awww] And, after a little hitch, turns out our furniture will in fact be delivered next week. Checking things off the list, and it feels great. It feels real. SHE'S ALMOST HERE!!

This week Audrey is about 2 and a quarter pounds, like a Chinese cabbage. Her eyes are opening and closing....and are now adorned with lashes. (Hopefully dark lashes like her daddy's.)

Had a doctor appt yesterday, and now I'll start to go in every 2 weeks. That's a lot of appointments! All to make sure she's on track, so I don't mind one bit. I did a second round of bloodwork, checking to see if I'm animic (anymore than last time) and to check for gestational diabetes. (Dear God, please don't take my ice cream away from me!) haha. More importantly, it's not healthy for the baby.

We are also starting our kick counts to make sure Audrey is moving consistently...which she seems to have no problem doing so far. LOL. So, everyday around the same time (after dinner for us)...I time how long it takes her to kick 10 times. Last night it took 14 minutes, which I think is a lot! Naturally after I was done counting, she started moving around like crazy. Maybe she was brushing up on her dance skills....shuffle, shuffle, tap, tap.

I'm pretty sure I felt my first Braxton Hicks contraction last week! It happened two days in a row, while at work.......a tight squeezing under my belly button. Hasn't happened since, though. Phew. (Didn't "hurt", but didn't feel good). :)

Baby Bump - 28 Weeks

Thursday, June 25, 2009

27 Weeks...last part of the 2nd Trimester

Well, Miss Audrey is still growing by the is my belly.

She is weighs about 2lbs, like a head of cauliflower, and is about 14.5 inches long. She is opening and closing her eyes, possibly sucking her fingers....and even sleeping and waking at regular intervals. (Too bad she couldn't continue the latter right out of the womb!) Although her lungs are still immature, I read that they would be capable of function, with lots of medical help, if she were born now.

Audrey has been quite the mover and shaker lately...swimming laps and practicing her boxing...anything to pass the time. She has even taken to kickboxing right against my full bladder. Our little girl is definitely making her presence known, but I have to be grateful...she is quite gentle considering how much (or little) room she has in there. Not to mention...I LOVE feeling her move around.

Chris and I took our first (of two) Childbirth Prep Class last Saturday...five hours long. And believe it or not, it was not information overload. The hard chairs were a pain towards the end of class (I could have used a nice comfortable couch), but other than was pretty interesting.

[I didn't have to drag the husband! He even said time went faster than he thought. But I did buy him an ice cream cone right before class and brought us lots of snacks. You could say I was sharpening my bribery skills on Chris with the aid of treats & snacks, before I use it on our kids.] Is that wrong?

We learned all about the signs of labor, what to expect during labor and delivery, epidurals and their benefits vs risks, and how big 10 centimeters really is! [wowsers] Our instructor is super sweet and pretty knowledgeable, although our classmates left something to be desired. There must have been about 10 - 12 couples...only 3 of which (including us) looked like we wanted to be there. Even the moms-to-be looked miserable! The looks on their faces resembled h.s. kids on the last week of class. No joke. One class down......and one more left this Saturday.

Anywho, here's the latest pic of me and my girl!

Baby Bump - 27 Weeks

What's in a name?

I realize that we've yet to make an "official" announcement of our BabyGirl's name on the blog! (Just got so used to calling her BabyP or BabyGirl). Although we haven't mentioned it on here, it hasn't been kept "secret" per se... just telling people as it came up.

Just get to it already! We are going to name our Baby Girl:

Audrey Marie Prilaman

Audrey is one of the few girl names we agreed on from the start and we've really just fallen in love with it. We've been referring to our BabyGirl with that name since we found out "it" was a "she". And the name seems to fit her now. :) It's an older name, more traditional, yet not quite one of the Golden Girls...and definitely not too many at the local park/school.

Meaning of Audrey: Noble strength

Marie is my middle name, as well as the middle name of my Mom. It was really important to me to use this name for my first girl if possible. Luckily Marie can 'go' with pretty much any name. [Who knows, maybe Audrey will carry on the tradition. Or, maybe she'll want to beat to her own drum.]

Audrey is neither a family name, nor is she being named after the actress (Audrey Hepburn). Just a name both Chris and I really love...and hope she will too. :)

Making her debut this September: Audrey Marie!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Being a Mom...

I wanted to share this sweet email sent to me by my friend and neighbor, who has recently become a "mommy" this June. Although nothing can truly prepare you for motherhood, the story below gives us new moms-to-be a hint of the life changes that lie ahead.


.........Being a Mom.........
We are sitting at lunch one day when my daughter casually mentions that she and her husband are thinking of starting a family. 'We're taking a survey,' she says half-joking. 'Do you think I should have a baby?' 'It will change your life,' I say, carefully keeping my tone neutral. 'I know,' she says, 'no more sleeping in on weekends, no more spontaneous vacations. But that is not what I meant at all. I look at my daughter, trying to decide what to tell her.

I want her to know what she will never learn in childbirth classes. I want to tell her that the physical wounds of child bearing will heal, but becoming a mother will leave her with an emotional wound so raw that she will forever be vulnerable. I consider warning her that she will never again read a newspaper without asking, 'What if that had been MY child?' That every plane crash and every house fire will haunt her. That when she sees pictures of starving children, she will wonder if anything could be worse than watching your child die.

I look at her carefully manicured nails and stylish suit and think that no matter how sophisticated she is, becoming a mother will reduce her to the primitive level of a bear protecting her cub. That an urgent call of 'Mom!' will cause her to drop her best crystal without a moment’s hesitation. I feel that I should warn her that no matter how many years she has invested in her career, she will be professionally derailed by motherhood. She might arrange for childcare, but one day she will be going into an important business meeting and she will think of her baby's sweet smell. She will have to use every ounce of discipline to keep from running home, just to make sure her baby is all right.

I want my daughter to know that every day decisions will no longer be routine. That a five year old boy's desire to go to the men's room rather than the women's at McDonald's will become a major dilemma. That right there, in the midst of clattering trays and screaming children, issues of independence and gender identity will be weighed against the prospect that a child molester may be lurking in that restroom. However decisive she may be at the office, she will second-guess herself constantly as a mother.

Looking at my attractive daughter, I want to assure her that eventually she will shed the pounds of pregnancy, but she will never feel the same about herself. That her life, now so important, will be of less value to her once she has a child. That she would give herself up in a moment to save her offspring, but will also begin to hope for more years, not to accomplish her own dreams, but to watch her child accomplish theirs. I want her to know that a cesarean scar or shiny stretch marks will become badges of honor.

My daughter's relationship with her husband will change, and not in the way she thinks. I wish she could understand how much more you can love a man who is careful to powder the baby or who never hesitates to play with his child. I think she should know that she will fall in love with him again for reasons she would now find very unromantic.

I wish my daughter could sense the bond she will feel with women throughout history who have tried to stop war, prejudice and drunk driving. I want to describe to my daughter the exhilaration of seeing your child learn to ride a bike. I want to capture for her the belly laugh of a baby who is touching the soft fur of a dog or cat for the first time. I want her to taste the joy that is so real it actually hurts.

My daughter's quizzical look makes me realize that tears have formed in my eyes. 'You'll never regret it,' I finally say. Then I reached across the table, squeezed my daughter's hand and offered a silent prayer for her, and for me, and for all the mere mortal women who stumble their way into this most wonderful of callings.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Frilly Little Nursery

So, aside from all of the cleaning and organizing we've been working on.....we've had a bit of fun too. Decorating you first baby's nursery, especially a lil girl, can be overwhelming. Bold colors and loud prints that she can grow into? Mature patterns and colors that fit into our house decor? Something girly and case she is our only girl?

Well, after much debate (internal-debate, that is...Chris pretty much gave me full-reign, but he held veto power) I decided to go with pink and feminine and traditional. Let's get real: it won't be long until she's choosing what she wants to put on her walls and grows up too fast, so I'm making her nursery our frilly, lacy, little sanctuary while I can. :)

I just wanted to share the progress we've made so far:

* The Furniture *
Crib, hutch, and 6 drawer dresser (not shown) in Espresso.
The crib is a "Lifetime" Crib, which can into a toddler bed, daybed, and full.

* The Bedding*
We found this "Emma Rose" Kidsline Bedding at a local baby store,
but then learned it was being discontinued. With some help of my fab sis-in-law, we found a heck of a deal online for a 6 piece set! The pattern has dark and light pink roses and hints of purple too. The quilt has the most adorable cream lace w/ rose buds, and the flip-side of the quilt is a white pattern with tiny pink rosebuds, too. Does it get anymore girly and feminine? :)

(The picture does not do it justice!)

* The Wall Color*
Although a specific brand or color of paint has not been chosen or purchased, we have decided on a light lavender color for the walls. I'm hoping this, as well as splashes of sage green, will add a nice contrast to the pink. (The wall color below is similar to what we're looking at, but may go a bit lighter.)

So, that's where the nursery stands as of now. Once we're able to clear out her room, we'll paint and start putting things together. There are still little odds and ends to decide for the walls...artsy pictures, her name hanging on the wall, family pictures...and choosing a glider. All-in-all, I feel okay about where we're at.....but these weekend will fly by before we know it. And I'm ready to see our plan in action.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

97 Days To Go...!?!

Our baby girl is now 26 weeks along...only around 14 weeks until she's here! [Holy cow!] We've been busy preparing for BabyP...attempting to clean out the "nursery-to-be" and cleaning the garages out and reorganizing the entire condo. The furniture is ready to be picked up at the store, and the bedding has come in...if only we had her room painted and ready for decorations. =) This weekend, however, rather than focusing on "nesting"...Chris and I have our first Childbirth Preparation Class. I'm sure I'll have some interesting tidbits to share with you.

OH, and our baby girl is the length of an English hothouse cucumber and weighs around a pound and two-thirds.

OKAY, the bumps:

Baby Bump - 25 Weeks

Baby Bump - 26 Weeks

Thursday, June 4, 2009

16 Weeks Left!

Our little girl is growing and growing and at 24 weeks young, she's about the size of an ear of corn. Although she has been pretty lean up to this point.....she will now start filling in and forming those Prilaman-Kline cheeks we all know she'll don. Her brain is still growing, her respiratory system is refining and taste buds are developing. I've read that the foods I eat now can possibly effect her 'likes' when she's older. Guess I better start eating even more veggies! (And less ice cream...? Nah.)

This morning I had a doctor appointment where we went over the BIG ultrasound...and everything looks great! BabyP's size, weight, and organs are all growing as they should. (Thank the Lord.) According to her size at the ultrasound, we are still due at the end of September... putting us somewhere between September 22nd and 25th. For clarity, we'll just stick with 9/23/09. :) Here's the latest bump!

Baby Bump - 24 Weeks

Thursday, May 28, 2009

23 Weeks Bump!

So, I took a week hiatus after visiting family up in the Bay Area. But, our baby girl has been busy growing and I've got the bump to prove it. This week she's around 11 inches long, and should weigh a little over a pound....about the size of a large mango. Her sense of movement is becoming more developed and she can now feel me dance. (Bring on the music, honey!) Now BabyP's ears are sharper than ever and preparing her for the noisey world. Loud noises that she hears now...such as a barking Charlie dog...might seem familiar and may not faze her once we bring her home. (We can only hope!)

Some random thoughts about pregnancy:

1) Last week I was actually able to "see" my belly move for the first time. Feeling our her move is always unbelievable.

2) Although feeling her move is always a blessing, it was interesting earlier this week when she chose to nap all day, but then kick away when I went to sleep that night. Boy is she getting strong!

3) Speaking of sleep, Chris bought me a new pillow made by Boppy to help me be more comfortable. So far it's a slight improvement...but I really miss sleeping on my back!

4) Thanks to all the mama's who've lent me their pregnancy clothes! You underestimate the value of variety and fit in your wardrobe until your pregnant and limited to 2 pants and 5 tops. LOL. (My dress below is compliments of Dani...thanks, girl!)

5) Ice Cream. I'm trying to continue my healthy eating habits and not using my pregnancy to eat everything in sight. I will not, however, give up my ice cream. It is a good source of calcium. At least it's of the slow churned variety... which IS lower in fat. :)

6) My stomach is starting to feel fuller faster. And I'm definitely starting to feel the extra weight. I'm pretty sure my belly rests on my lap when I sit! haha.

7) My baby is eating my brain. I'm forgetful, clumsy, and even saying my words funny. (It's a great excuse for my normal 'flaws'....but I'm pretty darn sure it's getting worse by the month). Please forgive any typos! haha

8) Linea Nigra...Latin for "black line" the dark vertical line that appears on your abdomen from your belly button down. It is a type of hyperpigmentation thought to be caused by the estra estrogen.'s definitely starting appearing on my belly. Check out the before and after:

Belly Bump - 11 wks 3days

Belly Bump - 23 wks [Why the heck does my tummy look tan?! It has not seen the sun since March and only for 20minutes.]

Belly Bump - 23 wks
Belly Bump - 23 wks

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lickety Split...

This update is going to be a quick one. Lots of things to do before traveling to visit our new niece!

Baby girl is growing and growing.....and is making her presence known by the size of my belly. She is about the length of a carrot, and as of last week she was 13ounces....and I'm sure she's grown a bit since then. (See picture below) LoL.

I've been really trying to stay active with long walks in the early morning, and Charlie-the-pup doesn't seem to mind. Aside from the teen-like pimples on my face, I'm feeling good lately. I have most of my energy back (although bedtime is still early) and my hunger pangs have subsided (somewhat).

This little girl of ours sure is active. She was moving all around for our ultrasound, and yesterday she was practicing her kicks and punches. (But I didn't mind that one bit.) She goes through quite days and then tries to kick my butt on I'll take any movement I can get. :) They are love taps, I'm sure.

OK, not a "short" blog...but I do type fast. *winks*

Baby Bump - 21 Weeks

Baby Bump - 21 Weeks

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sugar, Spice...and Everything Nice!

...............that's what our little GIRL is made of! :)

Probably a surprise to a lot of you...since 59% of voters thought we'd be having a boy. :) Needless to say, Chris and I are on cloud nine. Not only do we know that we have a daughter in our future...but so far, everything has checked out okay. (You know, two feet, two hands, healthy heart, full spine....the vital things).

I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking. Say hi to our beautiful BabyGirl!