Baby Audrey is still warm n cozy in my womb, and it doesn't seem like she'll be making an appearance in the immediate future. As of today, I am still 1cm dilated and 70% effaced - same as last week.
I've been on maternity leave since the second week of September and I'm really trying to relax as much as possible, as everyone suggests. It's just so hard when there are so many things I could be doing/organizing/crafting. But the nursery is ready for when she does arrive, the house is clean, and our freezer is super stocked with Costo and Trader Joe' I can't be too hard on myself for the extra breaks I need to take. (And believe me - my back and hips definitely need the extra breaks!)
Daddy-to-be celebrated his 29th bday on Tuesday, which he will not be sharing with his daughter. :) Chris happened to be scheduled off work, so we had a really nice day together...starting with buying the newly released Dan Brown book, visiting a museum in Balboa Park, and ending the night with a delicious meal at Peohes in Coronado right on the water. (Seriously...I'm still thinking about that meal days later...yum.) Although we are more than ready for Audrey, we were really able to appreciate the simple pleasure of a leisurely and relaxing day (one of the last we'll have in for awhile). *winks*
Belly Bump - 38 Weeks
AHHH, geez I can't wait!! I'm so excited & anxious as I know you both are...can't wait to get the news that you're goin into labor!! Where are you delivering again?
ReplyDeleteYou look so good!! Man, at that point I was so happy in my sweats and you... you look all stylish.
ReplyDeleteYes...we are SO SO excited and ready to meet her!! We are delivering at Scripps LJ.
ReplyDeleteAnd, thanks, sis...I sure don't feel stylish. Just trying to stay cool. But looks like the bump is getting bigger still. Maybe it's just the white shirt...? ...riiiight... ;)
beautiful!!!! BTW Chris better go get that book, ryan is almost done reading it and hasn't put it down since it came out. He even woke up EARLY to go to the store that day to get it. oh our husbands... nerd alert :) Ist thing every morning you should rush to do your makeup just in case you go into labor that day... you always want to look your best. haha I know i'll be doing that . love ya!