Audrey is now about 4 3/4 pounds, similar to the average size of a cantaloupe. (No wonder my hip bone and back are hurting!) And she's almost 18 inches long. But...if she's anything like her mama (who was 19 inches at birth), I'm sure her length growth will start to slow. :) Her central nervous system and lungs are still maturing, so we need her to stay in my belly for at least another 4 weeks minimum. (6 max would be great though!) The good news is that babies born between 34 & 37 weeks generally tend to do pretty well, aside from a brief stay in the NICU. Audrey Marie, listen to your mama....please stay put for a lil while longer!
As the end of my last trimester approaches, I often find myself reflecting on being pregnant. I didn't anticipate feeling this natural growing a body inside my own. All of the kicks & jabs, feeling tired, occasional hormones (and tears), the hunger pangs and bloating, the additional weight and pressure on my body...I never thought I'd be so happy to endure all of these symptoms. And, I certainly didn't think I'd be able to listen to what my body needs...without the guilt. Or at least less guilt. (Ladies, you know what I'm talking know, when you have a long day at work, or just feel mentally or physically exhausted.....but feel guilty for not cleaning/cooking/going to the gym/etc?!) Well, since I've been pregnant...I feel less guilty when I need to listen to my body and take it slow. Because, really, if I'M run down...she's going to feel the effects. It's also helps to have such supportive and helpful husband who picks up the slack. (And also encourages R&R with movie nights and trips to Maggie Moos Ice Creamery...our fav).
Onto the every growing bump!
Baby Bump - 34 Weeks
for some reason i feel like i'm the same size as you. my lil mexican jumping bean is staying true to her name