Monday, August 3, 2009

Ode to Charlie

We brought our "fur-baby" home in December 2006 soon after we got back from our honeymoon. Little tiny Charlie was 8 weeks old, 3lbs, and most definitely the cutest puppy ever. (Modesty??) He's a cocker spaniel and bichon frise mix. They call him a Cock-a-chon; I endearingly call him our furry mutt. :)

Charlie - around 2 months old

Charlie - around 2 months old
Although Chuck's life will be forever changed when Audrey joins our family, we think he'll adjust fine. At that point, he'll be just about 3years old. He's had plenty of practice with kids, including our nephews, niece, and plenty of neighborhood kids, too. Honestly, I don't think Charlie will pay our daughter too much attention...until she is able to roll the ball for him! (One track mind. Seriously.)

Charlie - 2 years old

People are often saying to us, "Poor Charlie will be ignored when you have your baby" or "You'll forget all about him" etc. We have no doubt that having a baby will change all aspects our lives...including the time given to the Chuck-meister. And we know those first few weeks months will kick our butts and Charlie will have to do with a lil less attention. But we also know that this attention-craving, ball obsessed, cheese-lovin fur-ball will always be an important part of our lives......and we won't neglect him. We'll incorporate him into our evolving family. How could you not love this pup??

Here are a couple clips of our "practice baby" for your amusement:

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