Friday, March 26, 2010


So, we have a new computer at home...and I'm toying with editing on Windows Live Writer versus Blogger, as well as updating my layout. So please ignore the funkiness and inconsistencies. :)

xo, K

Pink Lint

It has been six months. SIX MONTHS!

Six months ago from this very day we were blessed with our baby girl, Audrey Marie.

Our lives have never been the same. And we wouldn't have it any other way.

On a Saturday morning, September 26th, 2009, we arrived at the hospital in San Diego to be induced. Less than 7 hours later we were holding our precious little "BabyP".


Audrey Marie

Born at 1:57pm

7lbs 1oz, 19.5 inches long

and absolutely perfect.

Our newlywed home is now a family home.


Hours Old


2 Days Old

It is filled to the brim. Filled with love. Filled with laughter. Filled with spit up, the smelliest diapers you've ever encountered, and adorable dresses and bows . Filled tears of frustration (hers and mine) and tears of joy. Filled with baby toys and formula and bottles and giggles. Filled with learning and growing. And definitely filled with picture taking and video recording. And filled with PINK LINT.

Pink lint? Yep! You know you have a little girl when...the lint in the dryer mysteriously starts changing from that icky blue-grey to a very fluffy, pretty pink color. Almost makes doing her tiny laundry enjoyable. (I said almost). :)

Learning the ropes of being a parent has been on a fast track for us. (And somewhat uphill, if I'm being honest). Our healthy baby girl had some minor setbacks from the start. Breastfeeding was extremely painful and difficult, as well as pumping. Started supplementing around 6 weeks and learned quickly that she has a milk protein allergy (like her Daddy and Aunt Jen had when they were babies). So she's been on very sensitive, hypoallergenic formula (read: $$) called Nutramigen. [Luckily we recently were able to push it through insurance, since it's a medical necessity, & it's saving us oodles!] The difference we noticed in her happiness and comfort in a week were unreal. Soon after that, she was still making gasping noises, spitting up tons, and having frequent night wakings. Come to find out, she has some reflux issues. We're on our second medicine (Prilosec for infants) and it seems to help a lot.


Our Sweet Valentine - 17wks

Would I like some cheese with that whine?? haha. Hope this doesn't come off that way. Just wanted to catch the blog up to speed. To say that spare time has been infrequent is an understatement. We've been quickly getting in tune with Audrey's needs, getting to know one another, and enjoying every moment of happiness and "feeling-good" she has, which becomes more and more frequent the older she gets. So...over the past six months...this blog has taken a back seat.


Anyhow, my hope now is to post updates on our latest adventures... and possibly share past stories from Audrey's first six months, too.

Audrey's 6 month appointment (and shots) are later this afternoon. Hopefully she'll take a good nap and I can update on her latest stats, as well as her numbers from the past 6 months. IMG_4576

In Arizona, 5.5 months

Until next time...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Get Outta My Belly, Baby...40 Weeks

Here we are...past the due date and no Audrey yet! I'm sure she just needed some extra time to get extra cute and ready. Typical lil lady...fashionably late.

Although we haven't had any contractions yet and not much dilation (still around 1-2cm), if we are lucky...she'll be coming on her own this weekend. If not, then ready or not...she'll be coming sometime next week. ;)

Belly isn't growing so much as it is dropping now. (And I'm getting up in the middle of the night 4-5times as proof!) I'm still feeling okay otherwise...hips and legs get tired and crampy, but that's to be expected. And it didn't stop me from "nesting" and cleaning like a mad woman yesterday.

We are ready to meet you, baby girl! Hopefully my next blog post will be an intro with lots of pics.

Belly Bump - 40 Weeks

Thursday, September 17, 2009

39 Weeks...Come'on Baby!

Baby Audrey is still warm n cozy in my womb, and it doesn't seem like she'll be making an appearance in the immediate future. As of today, I am still 1cm dilated and 70% effaced - same as last week.

I've been on maternity leave since the second week of September and I'm really trying to relax as much as possible, as everyone suggests. It's just so hard when there are so many things I could be doing/organizing/crafting. But the nursery is ready for when she does arrive, the house is clean, and our freezer is super stocked with Costo and Trader Joe' I can't be too hard on myself for the extra breaks I need to take. (And believe me - my back and hips definitely need the extra breaks!)

Daddy-to-be celebrated his 29th bday on Tuesday, which he will not be sharing with his daughter. :) Chris happened to be scheduled off work, so we had a really nice day together...starting with buying the newly released Dan Brown book, visiting a museum in Balboa Park, and ending the night with a delicious meal at Peohes in Coronado right on the water. (Seriously...I'm still thinking about that meal days later...yum.) Although we are more than ready for Audrey, we were really able to appreciate the simple pleasure of a leisurely and relaxing day (one of the last we'll have in for awhile). *winks*

Belly Bump - 38 Weeks

Belly Bump - 39 Weeks

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Full Term: One Ripe Lil' Baby!

The countdown is really on now!
37 weeks down. 21 days to go!

I'm not sure which is harder to believe: the fact that Chris and I will be parents in the very near future? Or the fact that I have kept up this blog throughout my entire pregnancy? haha (I think we can all agree it's the latter!)

Audrey Marie is somewhere around 6 1/3 pounds and 19 inches long head to heel (like a stalk of swiss chard?). She hopefully has a full head of hair and nice round cheeks to boot.

How are us parents-to-be hanging in there? Pretty darn well, I think. We are really trying to take advantage of the time we have together before baby makes three. And we're also making sure we are prepared for Audrey's arrival. Her room is just about done. Clothes, linens, and blankets are washed and put away. Her going home outfits are packed (yes, outfits, a girl has gotta have options). And my bag is just about packed, too. (Only Daddy's left).

Who am I fooling? I'm not nearly as together as this sounds, haha. If you know me, my "to-do" list is a foot long...and I want everything as ready as possible come D-Day. (Problem is my body can't keep up with my energy level). But, if I'm lucky, I'll have some time to check things off my list...cuz my last day of work is FRIDAY!!! Good-bye 8 hrs in a chair, hello maternity leave!!!
As much as I can't wait to meet my baby girl, I'd like to have a week or two to get things done ...and then rest my aching, ever-growing body. Cuz... once she comes... my world will willingly revolve around her.

Baby Bump - 37 Weeks

Hubba, Hubba

This past weekend I was at Target in the PJ/Lingere area, when a father approaches with his 3 year old son in a cart. The dad stops, points to something (out of sight to me) says to his son, "Look, what's that?" Not missing a beat, the son replies, "Hubba, hubba."

How could I not start laughing? The dad proudly looks my way...and it's obvious they performed this trick for my amusement. They slowly stroll by me and I say to them, "It's boys like that I'll have to protect my daughter from." :)

The dad tells me the story: he only said that to his son one time (sure)...and he started repeating it anytime they see anything remotely sexy - pjs, underwear & bras, pictures or mannequins wearing these things. Apparently he forgot to tell his wife, who called him up one day asking why on earth her son was pointing to underwear saying, Hubba Hubba. haha.

Mid-conversation, the son looks over at me...9th months pregnant...points and says, "Hubba, hubba."

Uh huh, that's right. I still got it! :)

Who knew a 3 year old could make my day?

Thursday, August 27, 2009