Monday, March 30, 2009

Tension Headache: 1 Kristen: 0

Just a boring quick update on why my promised picture post was late.
[WARNING: This post may make you sleepy.]

As some of you may know, for the past 3-4 years I've been the victim of tension headaches. (Not to be confused with migraines.) They creep up on me and I've yet to figure out the cause. These neck/headaches start as a super uncomfortable tightness in my shoulders & neck - sometimes I can work through them and sometimes they just knock me out. Well, last week...the tension won.

Tuesday I stayed home from work with a pretty bad headache, thinking "I can sleep & ice it away". (Keep in mind - these headaches are no fun when you are pregnant and can't take the good drugs!) :) Anyhow, Wednesday I couldn't keep any liquids down...not tiny sips of water or even the Gatorade ice cubes my husband so lovingly made me. So, Thursday morning (still not eating or drinking anything), my kind mother-in-law took me to urgent care where they hooked me up to an IV to get me and BabyP rehydrated & un-nauseated.

The worst part about the whole affair......was not the huge needle the nurse kept trying to stick into my child-like hand & skinny, dehydrated veins. OUCH! (They ended up using a baby needle in my arm!) Nope, the worst part was that I had to cancel my trip to the Bay Area to visit my celebrate my baby sister's 18th birthday (Happy Bday, Paige!) and Jenny & Joey's baby shower (Love you, niece-to-be!). It was a sad decision, but it didn't make since to go gallivanting across California.

Anyhow, I'm feeling much better at this point. Just wanted to give you the update. Thanks if you actually read this whole post! *winks* (Told you this post wouldn't be exciting!)

Hugs, Kristen

PS. Here's a cute comic to liven this post up. Thought it was fitting.

Monday, March 23, 2009

One down, two left to go...

Okay, so this is a tad late with good reason (to be explained in upcoming posts)... but it's time to officially announce...


It feels like a weight has been lifted from our shoulders (& pressed on my bladder...ha). BabyP is still growing strong and now we feel comfortable shouting it to the world. Here is the latest picture from Monday. Still not much of a "bump" but definitely filling out a tad.

Baby Bump - 14wks 0Days

Oh! For good measure, here's a shot of the handsome boys Prilaman boys:



Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Lovely Lady Bumps...Check'em Out

[Please excuse the title...I'm in a great mood. Today is our Friday, and we are going away for the weekend. I'm a tad bit excited!]

BabyP is busy making a home in my tummy...and getting bigger by the week! :) Here's the proof:

Baby Bump - 11wks 3days

Baby Bump - 12wks 3 days

*Please excuse these pics, as they are not my favorite. lol.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

...Woosh, woosh, woosh...

...we heard the strong, quick sound of our baby's heart today! It was amazing--and I was instantly overcome with emotions that I didn't expect. BabyP is really in there...with a tiny heart, and little limbs, and cheeks that will one day be round and pinchable (both cheeks, of course). To hear the proof of the life we created and to have Chris by my side...I couldn't have asked for anything more.

Doctor said my tummy was growing according Mother Nature's rules at 1cm per week. But what is going on inside?! Well, glad you asked. BabyP is about the size of a lime and weighs about half an ounce. Fingers will soon begin to open and close, toes will curl, and eye muscles will clench. BabyP is already stretching and kicking and moving around, but I won't be able to feel it for another month or two.

We are approaching the end of our first trimester...which ends around week 13. Please keep BabyP in your thoughts and prayers.