Monday, February 9, 2009

BabyP's First Picture

You could imagine the excitement, anticipation, anxiety, hope, etc. we felt going our first doctor's appointment today. Chris and I were able to go bright'n early this morning and it was wonderful to have his support and share this experience together. Our doctor is very cool, calm and collected...a great balance for new parents...and answered all of our concerns.

Then the moment we'd been waiting weeks for: our first ultrasound. We were overwhelmed with joy and relief to see our little baby on that machine. Given, BabyP was only the size of a kidney bean...but a healthy baby with a beating heart. It was too early to actually hear the heart beating, but we could see it flashing on the screen. For weeks I had been a ball of stress, praying and wishing that BabyP was thriving and growing. But all of that anxiety melted away in this precious moment.

For your viewing pleasure...BabyP's First Picture:

BabyP - 8weeks 0days

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Chris and I couldn't be more excited about sweet BabyP...we've wanted to shout the news from the rooftops! But as we all know, pregnancy is a delicate process and it was best for us to wait until the time was right to share about our growing family. Although we are beginning to tell family and friends, it is still a really important time for BabyP's development, so we would appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we continue through the first trimester.

On a different note, here are some the questions I get asked the most since I've been with child. :)

Are you getting sick/morning sickness? (This question is usually asked first, and with some twinkle of hope in the person's
Sorry to disappoint, but I have yet to be sick. *knock on wood* There was one week where my usual tension headaches kicked in, but I think that was stress induced (we hadn't been to the doctor yet). Other than one week of slight nausea, I've been feeling great in this area.

When are you due?
BabyP is expected to grace us with his/her presence around September 23rd.

How have you been feeling?
Actually, overall I’ve been feeling really great! [Not at all what I expected]. My first symptoms were fairly typical…extreme hunger & often and also feeling very, very tired especially at night (My new bedtime is 9pm). So, basically I’ve turned into a baby myself.

Is Chris freaking out?
[Taken directly from the horse’s mouth] “No, Kristen is the one who has all the work to do.” Tell me about it. Ha. Chris has been really understanding and picks up my slack since my body’s been taken over (cooking dinner, cleaning up the house, extra attention to Charlie, getting me late night snacks). I couldn’t have asked for a better husband, and lucky for us…those crazy pregnancy hormones haven’t reared their ugly heads…yet. *winks*

Are you showing yet?
I'm not showing quite yet, but I've taken some "before" pictures to share.

Baby Bump - 6wks 6days

Baby Bump - 7wks 6days